It’s well into December now, nearly a  month after my internship at Good Earth ended. There’s been a whirlwind of traveling and touring and visiting. In one week, I traveled well over 2,500 miles. Needless to say Beulah, my trusty red cargo van, got quite a workout.

I’d like to conclude this internship blog the way it started—with photographs. These are images from the journey west in June—unknown roads, heavy summer vegetation, and hot blue skies—in contrast with the road home this November—familiar routes, bare trees, cold gray skies.

This summer I wrote about how, cliche as it may sound, this was the best internship ever. It was. What’s next in my life is still in the works, but I’m sure I’ll travel these roads west again to spend some quality time at Good Earth Farm.

[Stay tuned to the website and farm Facebook page for an informational video that Laura and I made for prospective interns.]